The ideal place to search for geocaches in Burgundy

The geocaches around Saint-Martin-sous-Montaigu and Saint-Jean-de-Vaux allow you to discover several points of interest and pretty views of the valley of the Vaux (12km from Chalon -sur-Saône). The research can be carried out around our village and you will not need a car.

Among the points of interest are: the chateau of Montaigu, a climbing cliff, two lavoirs (old wash houses), a meteorological station in the middle of the vineyards, a ford on the Orbize river and a breathtaking view of the Vaux valley, along a botanical trail, which has flower information panels.

The geocaches are globally placed in accordance with the guidelines mentioned on the page

A geocache can also be found at the wash house of the chateau of Germolles 3km away. We also recommend the enthusiastic and fascinating visit of this chateau conducted by its owner.

Below there is an image taken on 02/05/2019 of the density of geocaches around our village, near Mercurey, in southern Burgundy.

Map coordinates:,4.71386&z=14#?ll=46.8151,4.71378&z=14

geocaching bourgogne - chalon - mercurey


We also recommend a loop trail in Bissy-sur-Fley that includes the chateau de Pontus de Tyard

Map coordinates: (carte,4.62441&z=15#?ll=46.66858,4.62441&z=15)


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